Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The final skill post

 Hello everyone, now it is summer vacation. Even though it is summer vacation, many studeents are going to many camps. So today, I'd like to introduce three foreign camps, Camp Big Apple, Ranch West Camp and Head Start Splash. These camps have good things but also they have bad things too. So let me tell you these things to you.
 First, I'd like to telll you about good things about Camp Big Apple. The good things are that we can experience many events in foreign countries. Also teachers have Master degrees and some of them even have Doctorate degrees. We can also prepare important tests such as SAT. In fact, some people goese to foreign countries to take SAT test. But because we can take the test through this camp so I think it is good. However there are also bad things about it. The camp's term is short compared to other camps. Also because they use dormotory some students can get homesick.
 Second, I will introduce the camp called Ranch West camp. The good thing about West Camp is that the students can do many activities in nature. Many students who are familiar with cities can have an opportunity to become friends with nature. Because they piock their interesting subjects and listen lectures about that. Through this, they can be more confident about what they like. Also, through home stay we can learn how to get along with people who are not familiar. On the other hand, because they chose their  lecture subject so they might focus on just one thing. Also because the teachers are recent graduated students, they might have less experience of teaching students. Finally, because the country is Canada, it is very cold and they might be cold during the camp.
 Fianlly, I will introduce my last camp  called Head Start Splash. Because it is an international school, we can learn how to get along with foreign friends. Also it can abe an opportunity to get along with nature. How ever parents go along the camp the children might be ddepend on their parents. Alsio it is near the beach so they can have many accidents because they would play in the beach.
 si,I introduced these camps. But I prefer Camp Big Apple the most. Becaus the teachers have Master degrees and Doctorate degree. Also I think because it has many foreign events such as going to the local museum, teckets to Broad wa shows and having tours of city. I think through these tings our English skill will improve than others. This is the reason why I prefer Camp Big Apple most.
 And thank you for reading my essay.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Phinese and Ferb

Do you know a cartoon called 'Phinese and Ferb'???
This is my favirite cartoon in Disney Chanal.
This is a cartoon that Phinese and Ferb make something very cool.
And with that, they always does something.
But his sister doesn't like what Phinese and Ferb doing.
Also there is a evil and tries to ruin what Pery does.
When you see this video you will also think this cortoon is very fun.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Skill Post

 ( Shark Attack )

- summerizing

 Many people are frightened when they go to the open ocean.
But shark will not attack you even though you saw a shark.
Also, the possibility of  attack  from shark is lower than from lightning and drown.
For example, when 180 peoples were died from the lightening, then 11 peoples will attack by the shark.
Also, when 1 person is drown among 3.5 million groups, then 1person will attack by shark among the 9 million peoples.
But when you still afraid of shark attack you should stay in groups and you should stay out if you cut by something.

- paraphrasing

( the last paraghragh of shark attack )

 There are some method to be  not attacked by shark.
Fist you should you should stay in groups when you play in the open beach.
Also, you need to stay out of the water if you cut from something.


-original article

Title: Rides that know how you feel

 Can an ordinary swing be a thrilling, unpredictable ride? Yes, it is very possible. In fact, a reasearch team from the UK is working on turning your ordinary play ground equipment and amusement roller coasters into a thrilling new experience.
 Ride-operators used to adjust the speed of  their rollercoaster by looking at the expressions on the passengers' faces, trying to determine the emotional condition of their riders. Nowadays,the roller coaster rides are all standardized by an automatic computer system. But some people find the average speed to be boring.
 In order to satisfy those people who want more thrill,researchers from  theUniversity of  Nottingham in the UK are working on a 'biofeedback' system. It  helps adjust rides based on the monitored heart and breathing rates of its users.
 Amusement parks in the UK are already interested in the idea and hope to design future rides with their help."The emotional value we're interested in here is fear," says Brendan Walker, one of  the researchers. So, if you love scary and exciting rides,there seems to be plenty to come in the near future!

(article from )
- summerizing

 Researchers in UK are trying to make a thrilling rides with play ground equitment and roller coster.
Ride-operator should adjust the speed of the roller coster by users emotional feelings but nowadays they are using the computer to adjust the speed of roller coasters.
But there are some peoples who are not satisfied with the speed so UK researchers are researchinng about biofeedback system.
Amusment parks in UK are already interested about that.

- pharaphrasing
( the second phraghraph of the artucle)

The people who are adjusting the speed  of roller coster are adjusting the speed by the emotional feelings.
But these days they use computers to adjust the  speed of roller coster.
However, some peoples are boring about the speed of  the roller coster

Monday, August 8, 2011

Summer time

Have you heard about 'Summer time'?
This  is a  system that makes our clock an hour earlyer.
For example, if it is 1 p.m. our clock should be 12 o' clock (noon).
This system was argued by science that we should wake up early and sleep early so we can save our light and also because we can have a lot of  sunlight so we can be healthy.
Summer time was first used by German during World War 1 and summer time system spread to other countries.
But now because it is uncomfortable many countries do not use summer time system.
Our country used summer time system when we had Seoul Olympic.
But now our country dosen't use it any more.
Do you want to use summer time system?

Friday, August 5, 2011

What the world eats

Today I saw photos.
In these pictures, there were foods that each family eat in one week.
When you see these pictures, you might think that it is very different what they eat.
Actually, those pictures were all different countries.
So if you see the picture of the Africa ( 3 of 16 ) the food's quality was not good.
Also compare to the picture of the United States ( 5 of 16) the food's quantity was not much.
When we see this, African people can not eat well compare to other countries.
Also the type of the food is different.
The picture of the Africa had foods such as water, beans and grains and others. 
But the picture of the United States had pizza, cola and many others.
If you see these pictures don't you think that we sould help the coutries like Afica???
In fact, most of African people live hardly.
Even childrens work all day long and get just a few rice or some thing else.
Some people might think they should live by their self  but don't you think that they are so compared to us???
In our life we just study all the day.
Isn't is better that the African children???
I think we should always be thankful to our parents and that we do not work every day.
See this picture. And think about it.
Isn't it too compared???

I got this picture in

I got this picture in

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Hey Juilet!

Hello everyone.
Today I want to tell my favorite popsong.
This is a popsong that I like it.
And It's called Het Juilet.
Do you want to listen to it???

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Skill Post

Hello everyone.
Today I'd like to compare and contrast the three camp witch is Camp big apple, Ranch West Camp and Head Start Splash.
Actually, compare means find similarities and word contrast means find differentces.
So, I will tell you about Camp Big Apple first.

 Camp Big Apple's good thing is we can experience many situations in foriegn countries.
Also teachers have Master degreesand some of them even have Doctorate degree.
We can learn important test SATtest.
In fact some people even goes to forign countries to have SAT test.
However, the camp term is short than others.
Also because they use domitorie sosome students canbe homesick.

 Second I will talk about RanchWest Camp.
The good things about Ranch West Camp is because they do many activities with nature so many students who are more familiar with city can be a oppertunity to become a friend with nature.
Because they pick their interest subjects and listen about these lectures, so they can be more confidence about what they like the most.
Also because they do homestay they can learn how to get good with the person who we met first time.
On the other hand, there are also bad things about it.
First, because they choose their lectures, they can focus in just one thing.
Also, because the teachers are reccent graduate students so they can have less experience of teaching students.
Finally because the country Canada is very cold they can be cold during the camp.

 Finally I will talk about Head Start Splash.
The good thing is because it is international school we can learn how to get along with other country friends.
Also it can be a oppertunity to get along with nature.
However, the parents are on the camp so the childrens can depend on their parents.
Also it is near the beach so they can have many accidents because they would play in the beach.
So I compare and contrast atout these camps.
How do you think about these camps???

chain writing

                                                                  jealous turtle and rabit

 There were turtle and rabit in a village.
They were always fighting because they were jealous with each other.
The rabit was jealous about the turtle's shell and turtle was jealous about the rabit's long ears.
One day turtle went to rabit and said "If  you give me long ears I'll give you my shell."
So they traded thier ears and shell, but guess what happened???
The rabbit put the turttle's shell on  its head and the turtle put the long ears on its back.
It  was very strange and funny!
So the other animal friends were laughed at them a lot!
They were so sad.
Thus, they  tried to suicide, but then they realized that they could just changge back!
They decided to trade it back.
So the rabbit needded to cut the head and turttle had to cut the back.
Then Paradox who was jealous about both ate them by making them soup.
And Jacob the monster ate paradow again.
But Parodox cut Jacob's stomach and came out.
But Jacob was a monster so sewed his stomach.
Hedistroyed Paradox's body and Jacob burned Paradox on fire.
But. Paradox revived from the burn somne hour like Gesus.
Then Lee ate Jacob and Sam.
Lee faught with Harry Potter. Then Ron and Hermione came out and the fighy ended.
They lived happily ever after.